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Ingin berkarir di Enportu, dan bergabung dengan tim dinamis, enerjik, dan ambisius untuk memberikan yang terbaik untuk customer kami?

Kirim CV dan surat lamaran kamu di hr1@enlogis.com, Atau cek di Jobstreet.com dan Karir.com.

Enportu.com adalah e-commerce yang bergerak di bidang penjualan produk-produk kreatif, sedang mencari kandidat berbakat untuk posisi sebagai berikut:


 Digital Marketing (SEO, SEM Copywriting)

- Conduct SEO activities covering strategy implementation, link builing activities, keyword analysis. Experience with SEO tools a plus (Google Keyword Planner, etc)
- Conduct SEM campaigns across multiple digital advertising mediums such as Adwords and other engines.
- Fast writer who is able to deliver quality content and writing with efficient timing. Proof of work is preferred if Available.
- Proven ability in content and market research.
- Candidate must possess at least Diploma in Computer Science/Information Technology, Commerce, Marketing, Journalism, Advertising/Media or equivalent
- Candidate must have strong writing ability and passion in crafting meaningful and interesting articels.
- At least 2 Years of working experience in the realated field is required of this position


 Buyer/Purchasing E-Commerce

- Responsible for business development with gross sales as main metric
- Activities include sales campaigns, marketing (online and offline) campaigns, for sourcing of relevant products
- Sharp sense of market direction relative to products range and target market
- Ability to seek out relevant partners for sales and product channel, and strong negotiation skill in finalizing a partnership agreement
- Strong communication skill that can relate to people from various backgrounf and age groups
- Candidate must possess at least Diploma in Engineering (Industrial), Business Studies/Administration/Management, Commerce, Economics, Marketing or equivalent
- At lest 2 Years of working experience in the related field is required for this position
- Successfull (with Proof) working experience in e-commerce business development is highly preferred
- Preferably Supervisor/Coordinator specialized in Sales-Retail/General or equivalent


Customer Service Operation

- Handles daily communication with customers dan related operations
- Able to Work fast adn do multitasking while under pressure
- Able to communicate clearly in phone conversation and in writing
- Good with computer operations, email, chat softwares and productivity tools
- At Least 2 Years of working experience in the related field is required for this position
- Experience with startup environment is preferred
- Preferably Staff (non-management & non supervisor) specialized in Costumer Service or equivalent


Social Media Marketing (Social Media)

- Usia maksimal 30 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal D3 dan dari sekolah yang terakreditasi
- Memiliki disiplin, komitmen dan integritas yang baik
- Enerjik, inisiatif dan dapat bekerja sesuai target dengan supervisi minimum
- Berpengalaman di offline marketing: planing dan pelaksanaan event, sponsorship, co branding
- Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan dan deadline dan bersedia beradaptasi dilingkungan startup yang dinamis dan penuh tantangan

Skill dan tanggung jawab yang diprioritaskan

- Mengerti cara kerja social media marketing dengan Facebook, Instagram, Twiter, Kaskus dan Youtube
- Dapat menjalin komunikasi yang baik dengan komunitas pengguna produk kreatifitas, baik amatir maupun profesional
- Diutamakan yang memiliki kemampuan desain grafis untuk banner dan proster promosional (akan dites saat wawancara)
- Memahami konsep dan prinsip marketing yang terstruktur dan dapat melakukan pemasaran produk yang efektif ke komunitas konsumen
- Terbiasa menulis artikel untuk blog dan newsletter, dapat mengoperasikan software newsletter (mailchimp dan sejenisnya)
- Memiliki minat yang kuas untuk produk kreatif seperti gambar, kerajinan tanganm desain, gift, lifestyle, teknologi dan stationery



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